The International Breastfeeding Symbol


Friday, May 7, 2010

Characteristic features of a baby getting enough breast milk

If you answered "yes" to three questions, then the baby may be no shortage of breast milk. in other words, you produce breast milk in sufficient quantities.

1. whether he was wetting or urinating more than six times a day.
2. if she gained weight around 750 grams to 1 kg per month in the first trimester, increased by about 600 grams per month in the second trimester, increased by about 400-500 grams each month in the third trimester, and increased by about 250-300 grams per month in the trimester fourth. for normal infants (although born prematurely), it can be said her weight at age 1 year was around 9-10 kg.
3. whether he was seemed satisfied or asleep after feeding for 20-30 minutes.


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