The International Breastfeeding Symbol


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

You must continue to provide breast milk even though returning to work

I think the most worrying thing when mothers return to work is how to give breast milk to their babies. if you keep providing breast milk to your baby exclusively, as we all know that exclusive breast milk given to infants until the age of 6 months. with management the right breast milk you can give an optimal breast milk to your baby, without having to leave the job you are confused. but there are a few things to note are:

1. The first time the production of breast milk is influenced by the frequency of breastfeeding mothers, but gradually your breasts will produce milk itself in accordance with the needs child, as long as you keep the nutritional needs are met.

2. if breast milk production is in conformity with the baby's needs, you can give breast milk to babies with breast milk flushed by using a pump and put into sterile containers.

3. familiarize the process of milking the breast milk before you start work

4. when you work, you can pump breast milk during a break, but make sure you do not forget your lunch so that nutrition is fulfilled. done milking the breast milk of at least two or three times a day.

5. milking the breast milk, do it in a place covered with a comfortable and clean.

6. milking the breast milk on infant drinking hours.

7. store breast milk in the freezer for use later or tomorrow, give a sign on each container of breast milk in order to know how long breast milk is stored in the freezer. because breast milk is stored in the freezer has a storage limit.

8. outside of office hours, you can breastfeed your baby directly as usual, that bond between you and your baby stay awake and not breast milk production is reduced.

9. you are required to maintain a nutritious diet to produce breast milk remains the optimal, avoid indiscriminate and better eating food brought from home are more assured of hygiene and nutrition.

10. avoid stress, because stress can disrupt the process of milk production


Alexandra said...

great post!! I have also read that if you know you are going back to work to pump from day one that way you build up a stash in the freezer.

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